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CHF 31,00Prezzo

Valvola di ritegno in acciaio inox AISI 316

Guarnizione PTFE - Temp. -20°C à +220°C

  • COD Ø DN CHF □/□ Code rabais
    082004.006 1/4" 6 31.00 30/180 201
    082004.010 3/8" 10 31.00 30/180 201
    082004.015 1/2" 15 32.00 25/150 201
    082004.020 3/4" 20 42.00 20/120 201
    082004.025 1" 25 55.00 12/72 201
    082004.032 11/4" 32 80.00 8/48 201
    082004.040 11/2" 40 110.00 5/30 201
    082004.050 2" 50 146.00 3/18 201
    082004.065 21/2" 65 258.00 5/10 201
    082004.080 3" 80 384.00 3/10 201
    082004.100 4" 100 626.00 3 201
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